Case study

Media Services

A media services company with a long and illustrious track-record approached us for assistance in setting a new strategic direction.
After assessing the Founder’s strength, market opportunities and technology possibilities, we identified certain new areas, adjacent to what the business was already doing.  These have the potential to re-define marketing. We also prepared a Business Model Canvas, structured the Customer Discovery exercise and helped in some senior recruitments.
We have also suggested a M&A candidate that will crash the client’s time to market.

An Indian Private Bank

Our initial engagement was with the asset management arm of the group. We evaluated the company’s strategic position and business model, and made recommendations to strengthen its position in the market place. We also participated in brainstorming exercises for new mutual fund schemes.

Thereafter, we performed a role as “internet strategiser” advising the mutual fund on how to leverage the power of technology.

We were subsequently engaged for a knowledge sharing program to help them build their relationship with distributors. Thereafter, we conceptualised risk profilers and financial planners for their website.

When the owners had a philanthropic interest in a proposed specialty hospital, we were engaged to review the legal structuring and prepare a financial pre-feasibility report.

We also prepared the business plan for the group’s proposed foray into Pension Funds.

An Indian Insurance Company

The company wanted a dynamic rules-based model for its proposed feet-on-street strategy and the potential payoffs. 

We initially developed alternate rules based on our understanding of the insurance industry, census data and interactions with the company’s marketing executives in various regions. 

Thereafter, we captured the relationships in a dynamic model that highlighted the implications of alternate strategies. 

A Diversified International Group(Pharma, Mining)

We were engaged to help the pharma company in India to develop a sound Budgetary framework, and Strategic Management Information System that would help the non-resident owners keep track of strategy implementation.

Thereafter, we worked with the mining business in Africa, and sorted out various historical intra-group transactions and arrived at clean division-wise financial statements for the group’s various verticals.

Down the line, the owners had to decide on structuring of their businesses in various countries. We became the co-ordination point with experts in several countries on legal, tax and accounting issues affecting shareholding structure, business structure, IPR protection, operating transaction structures and resource mobilisation. Accordingly, a revised group structure was finalized.

Formalization of structures and reporting made it easier for the next generation to transition into the business.  We also helped the group select senior executives for various businesses, and co-ordinated the finalization of accounts at the division and group levels. 

Further, we held workshops to enhance the financial quotient of people in the company. 

An interesting aspect of this ongoing long-term relationship was the way we stepped into the business whenever a need arose on account of a new business problem / possibility or an employee turnover issue.

Post-professionalisation of the business, we continue to provide need-based support to the family in managing the businesses. 

An Indian IT Enabled Services Company

The company required assistance in formalising itself and moving into a sustainable organisation format. We initially helped the company set its mission, vision and values.

Thereafter, we advised the company on the most optimal business structure in the light of promoter competencies and market opportunities. We also suggested an organisation structure, business processes and delegation of authority that was scalable and in line with the culture of the organisation.

We also chalked out a plan to sort out business ownership issues that arose on account of parental expectation and sibling rivalry. 

A Diversified Indian Group (Education, Hotels, Real Estate)

We were engaged to prepare the business plan for a new initiative in education. Gradually, our role expanded to review the business model and management reporting systems for one of the existing education businesses. Later, this expanded to cover the other education businesses. We also helped establish KRAs, Budgets and MIS framework for the group, through a participative bottom-up exercise.

We conducted workshops to help the senior management team develop skills in thinking strategically.  

The entrepreneur benefited immensely from our inputs on various strategic issues affecting the group.  An interesting comment from the entrepreneur – “I know you are grilling me.  But it is better that you grill me now, than I be grilled by the market later” – succinctly describes our role as the entrepreneur’s sparring partner.